Subdivision Certifiers: Strata & Subdivision Certification In Sydney

Can I subdivide a property under the Low Rise Housing Diversity Code (LRHDC)?

A common question asked is – ‘Can I subdivide a property under the Low Rise Housing Diversity Code’?

Before it is confirmed that you can subdivide a property under the code, you will need to seek advice from a building certifier and/or town planner. You must comply under the following:

  • Each dwelling faces the street and are not located behind one another (unless the site has a dual/two street frontage)
  • Has a minimum of six (6) metre frontage (measured at the building line)
  • Councils requirements permit such a development (dual occupancy/manor home/multi-dwelling housing-terraces) on the site
  • For Strata Title
  • Each lot achieves 180m2 (strata area) on the ground
  • Floor of each dwelling
  • OR
  • For Torrens Title
  • The site is located in RU5, R1, R2 or R3 land zones
  • For dual occupancies, the minimum lot requirement must be achieved – See table 1.1 and 1.2 below for dual occupancy development in land use zone R2
  • For multi-dwelling housing (terraces) each lot is 200m2.
  • For multi-dwelling housing(terraces), the minimum landscaped area provided for each lot is 30% of the lot area for sites located in land use zones RU5, R1 and R2 or 20% for sites located in land use zoned R3.
  • A draft subdivision plan prepared by a registered surveyor
  • A Planning Certificate (known as a 10.7 planning certificate and previously known as the 149 certificate) issued by the local Council

The following tables have been prepared as a general guide to summarise the permissibility of dual occupancy development in land use zone R2, and lot requirements within each Local Government Area (LGA) listed. If the LGA is not listed below, or if the development is for dual occupancies, manor homes and multi-dwelling housing (terraces) in zones RU5, R1 or R3, a case by case review is required.

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